When you open QuickBC, this screen will appears. If you are a registered user, please enter you username and password in order to log in.
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Sign In / Sign Up
Sign In
Registered users
Registered users

Sign Up
New users
New users
If this is the first time you use QuickBC, you’re invited to register and create a new account by clicking on ‘SIGN UP’ tab.
After filling all required fields press ‘Sign Up’ button to complete the registration. Then we will send you by SMS a verification code to verify your mobile number. Please enter the verification code in order complete your registarion.

Please do not close this page before entering the code, or you will have to repeat the sign up process.

Create Business Card
Create your Card
Input information
Input information
Once you complete the Sign Up process, you can now start creating your own business card.
- Upload the logo of your company, or your photo, or any image you want it to be on your card.
Or you can take a photo using your mobile camera - Turn On this button if the uploaded image has transparency and you want to preserve its transparency on the card.
- You have the option to make your cards shareable (public) or not.
If your card is shareable, when you send it to person A, this person A can re-send it to person B, and person B can re-send it to person C, and so on so forth.
on the other hand, if it is not shareable, then you and only you can send this card to other people. A small lock icon will appeare on the lower right corner of the card. - After filling all required fields, press ‘Save & Design Card’ to start designing your business card.

Create your Card
Auto Design
Auto Design
You have 2 options for designing your card:
- Click this option if you don’t have time to design your own card and you need to quickly build one.
- Click this option if you want to take control over designing your business card. You will enter “Manual Design” mode.

Create your Card
Manual Design
Manual Design
The design phase contains 5 screens:
- Choose a flat color as background
- Choose an image as background
- Adjust the layout of the card to best fit text and background
- Adjust the text color
- If you have a logo or image on the card you can adjust the shape surrounding it